Auction sniper for eBay, Aukro and Allegro

Win auctions by bidding at the last moment


How does this work?

1 Locate the auction you want to win
2 Paste the auction item ID or link
3 The Sniper will place a bid for you just seconds before the auction ends
How does this work?    Is it for free?    User tips

Benefits of using The Perfect Sniper

Save 10 to 20% on each item up for auction

Don’t raise item prices by placing bids to early. Bid at the last moment and leave your rivals without a chance to outbid youSave your time and energy thanks to our automatic biding service Save som.

Save some time

All you need is 1 second to schedule another aim.

No download or install required

Just schedule a shot on our website and you are free to switch off your computer. Our automatic biding service will place a bid for you. .


Advanced features

It’s fast, reliable and effective

High speed internet connection (0,01s to, efficient servers, unique bidding software..

Quick-add new shots

With just one click on the browser widget in your FireFox, IE, Opera, Mozilla and other web browsers.

Shot filter

Will make browsing among your scheduled shots and auctions so much easier .



We offered our services to:more than 450 000 users
Sniper already won:more than 2 900 000 auctions
Last month:more than 40 000 auctions

Shot timers set yesterday:

3 sec
4 sec
5 sec
6 sec
7 sec
8 sec


Changes to the PerfectSniper app.>2021-03-29
We managed to fix the issues that made it difficult to use the Sniper in early March. They resulted from the fact that Allegro disabled access to the data our tool used.
Import watch list auctions>2020-02-20
Sniper can import your watched auctions on ebay, aukro and allegro.
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