While trying to schedule a perfect shot you should take under account the following criteria:
- the shot should be planned as close to the deadline as possible, so that other bidders won’t have a chance to outbid you, or raise the price of the item
- also, the sniper should have enough time to fire the shot (usually it takes less than a second to fire a shot)
- you should also bear in mind that if two people bid a similar amount (or the same amount)then the person who bids the first will win. So lets imagine that two people decide to bid 100 USD on an item. The first one shoots 7 seconds before the end of the auction and the second one 3 seconds before the end of the auction. In this case, the first person to place the bid will win as the auction engine will discard the latter as being to low (the second bid will be to low to outbid the first one).
Thus, scheduling your Sniper to shoot 1 second before the end of the auction is not only risky but also can decrease your chances of winning.
That is why the minimal time to bid in an auction through the PerfectSniper.com is 3 seconds before the end of an auction.
After taking all these factors into account
the optimal time to fire a shot is 7 seconds before the end of an auction.
We believe that 7 seconds is just enough to leave your rivals without a chance to outbid you and will also leave just enough time to place a bid. This is especially important during internet ”rush-hours” when auction servers are overloaded with information. Moreover, as most users place their bids 3, 4, 5 or 6 seconds before the end of an auction, then even if their bid is the same as yours, then you should still win the auction.