We try to make all the elements of our tool as reliable as possible.
- Network infrastructure
Our servers are located in one of the best collocation centers: the company Atman. Interruption in access to Internet resources are extremely rare, and transmission speed is outstanding.
avarage response time is 8 ms.
- Software and bidding algorithms
We do not use any generally available programs bidders. Our software was created for a special order and is within 10 years improved. Soon the premiere of the new version, which will give our users even more options for bidding.
- Hardware, infrastructure
We use the equipment of renowned brands (IBM, DELL, Cisco, Athens), so it can work very reliably for a long time. Equipment base is continuously expanded with the increasing popularity of the service and the number of users.
- Supervision of specialists
The service is constantly supervised by our specialists who care for the proper operation of servers and software, as well as provide assistance users answering any questions, responding to reports of problems. Often the answer to your question may be obtained after a few minutes, at the latest within 24 hours.